Course Description
Increase Services Prices Without Losing Clients
This Module contains 1 36-page Information Module in PDF, 1 Resources Booklet in Word & 4 Videos
Who will benefit from this Module?
If you're long overdue for a price increase but don't know how to introduce one that won't cost you clients, then this is the perfect Module to meet your needs.
Module Introduction
Being in the beauty business is financially demanding.
New treatments, technologies, products & training all require a hefty and ongoing financial investment.
As well as these specialised expenses, your general expenses such as rent, overheads, insurances, professional products, and wages, to name just a few, also continue to increase in cost at least once per year.
So, what happens to your business if you avoid increasing your prices and decide instead to absorb these increasing expenses?
Well, you run the real risk of eventually running your salon either at a loss or not generating enough profit to continue to move forward; and neither of these is a great business growth strategy.
Nothing is more soul-destroying than working incredibly hard doing what you believe are ‘all the right things’, only to find out that you’ve made no profit at the end.
Read more in the module...
To stay in business, healthy and profitable, you need to have regular price increases to offset ever-increasing expenses.
Some salons hold off increasing their prices for too long and then make the mistake of having to have a massive increase in one hit to try and stay financially afloat.
But there is a simple technique you can use to increase your prices without negative customer feedback and this module covers what you need to know to accomplish this.
This module includes a PDF document outlining:
- Staying Profitable
- The Slippery Slide into Unprofitable
- The Right Way to Increase Your Prices
- When to Tell Your Clients
- How to Handle a Client Complaint
- An Acceptable Price Increase
- How to Spread Your Price Increases Over 12 months
- When You Need to Make More Revenue Urgently
- Bulk Service Menus
- Key Point Summary
Information Pages: 36
Included Resources in editable Word format are:
- Worksheet: Team Brainstorming
- Sample Script: Voucher Promotion
- Sample Scripts: Client Complaints
- Chart: 5% & 10% Increase
- Worksheet: Service List Breakdown
- Worksheets: Service Price Increase
- Worksheet: Top 25% of Services
Worksheets, Charts & Scripts: 7

Salon & Spa Profit Coach
Pam Stellema
Course curriculum
A short video welcome from Pam...
A short video welcome from Pam
Module - Increase Service Prices Without Losing Clients
Module - Increase Service Prices Without Losing Clients (downloadable)
Resources Booklet - Increase Service Prices Without Losing Clients
Resources Booklet - Increase Service Prices Without Losing Clients (downloadable & editable)
Videos - Increase Service Prices Without Losing Clients
Increase Your Service Prices Without Losing Clients - Video 1 - 6:43min
Increase Your Service Prices Without Losing Clients - Video 2 - 10:16 min
Increase Your Service Prices Without Losing Clients - Video 3 - 9:44 min
Increase Your Prices Without Losing Clients - Video 4 - 3:29 min