Course Description

How to Get More Client Referrals

This Module contains: 1 17-page Information Module in PDF, 1 Resources Booklet in Word & 2 Videos

Who will benefit from this module?

If you would love your existing clients to refer friends and family members to your salon or spa, this module will provide the tools you need to help make that a reality.

Module Introduction

If you’d like to have a salon full of clients who love what you do and trust what you tell them, then an Active Referral Program is essential.

An Active Referral Program involves much more than doing a great job for your clients and then waiting (and hoping) for them to tell all of their friends. 

This, of course, would be wonderful, but in the real world, it doesn’t happen often enough for us to use it as a business-building tool.

In reality, most of us are just plain lazy, and unless there’s an incentive to recommend  a service provider to a friend, it seldom happens. 

However, we all love receiving a gift or reward, and so by using this strategy with your clients, you can increase the number of referrals that you’re currently receiving.

Imagine if every one of your clients referred just one new client to your business over their salon lifetime. 

Think about what those extra clients would represent in terms of additional profit.

Read more in the module...


New clients are essential to every business. In salons and spas there is a reasonably high rate of client loss and, therefore, gaining more new clients is always something that is required.  

Client referrals, if handled well, can be a fantastic and steady souce of high-quality clients.

This module includes a PDF document outlining:

  • Introduction to The Active Referral Program
  • The Active Referral Program vs the Standard Referral Program The Benefits of an Active Referral Program
  • Program Requirements
  • Ensuring the Success of Your Active Referral Program
  • Getting Your Program Underway Summary 
  • Key Points 
  • Action Steps Summary

Information pages: 17

Included resources in editable Word format:

  1. Template - New Client Referral Card
  2. Letter - Referral Program Introduction Letter
  3. Letter - Thank You for Your Referral Letter

Template & Letters: 3

Salon & Spa Profit Coach

Pam Stellema

As well as copywriting for this amazing industry (SalonSpaCopywriter), I’ve been a salon owner, business coach (SalonSavy), mentor and advisor to Australian and international salon & spa owners, as well as industry suppliers. Before that, I did a stint as Freddo Frog, spent time writing computer code, ran a roadhouse and worked in my mother’s dress shop! But getting back to the important stuff…I opened my first salon in Brisbane which was a huge success and then worked with my husband for a few years in his business learning how to be a profitable uber-boss. I then bounced back into the beauty industry with a second, hugely successful salon on the beautiful Gold Coast. Finally, I sold up my salon and have since mentored hundreds of salon owners, before adding industry-specific copywriting to my repertoire. During this time, I’ve written and published my book 3 1/2 Secrets to Salon Success, which is all about helping salon owners focus on the important, profit-generating aspects of their business. I’ve also written bucket-loads of business articles for industry magazines, in excess of 100 business blog articles, over 30 coaching modules for salon and spa owners and a few more e-books. Now, I'm creating online courses to help salon and spa owners just like you to help bypass the disasters and become a super-successful salonpreneur instead.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    A little information from Pam before you get started.

  • 2

    Module - How to Get More Client Referrals

    • Module - How to Get More Client Referrals (downloadable)

  • 3

    Resources Booklet - How to Get More Client Referrals

    • Resources Booklet -How to Get More Client Referrals (downloadable & editible)

  • 4

    Videos - How to Get More Client Referrals

    • How to Get More Client Referrals - Video 1 - 8:53 min

    • How to Get More Client Referrals - Video 2 - 5:58min

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