Course Description

The 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview

Module Mission

The mission of this module is to teach you how to select only the most suitable candidates for a one on one interview for a position within your salon or spa.

This will save you:

  • Valuable time that you may have spent interviewing unsuitable candidates.
  • Hiring the wrong person for the wrong reasons.
  • Wasting financial resources due to becoming part of an ongoing recruitment cycle.

By the completion of this module, you will be able to eliminate unsuitable candidates before investing the time required for a one-on-one interview.  

This in turn means you will develop a stronger, more cohesive team, who together will help you to grow a stronger business for the long-term.

Who Will Benefit?

If part of your job involves hiring new therapists or technicians for your salon or spa, this module will walk you through the questions you need to ask before reaching the interview stage.

What's Included?

Even when your job advertisement is crystal clear and extremely precise about the skills and knowledge required to gain the position, you’re still going to get unqualified, but hopeful, applicants seeking an interview with you.

And there’s nothing wrong with that – from their perspective.  However, for you, undertaking a full interview with these people simply means a waste of valuable time that could’ve been spent doing more gainful and profitable things.

This is why conducting a short, focused phone interview before committing to an in-depth interview is a wise strategy.  It ensures that only pre-qualified people make it to a face-to-face interview with you, which in turn, means you’re far less likely to hire emotionally and end up regretting it.  It also represents a substantial saving of your time, which also has a financial value.


Recruiting new staff is a very important part of your business and getting the right team member can even make or break your salon.

This essential phone interview strategy will ensure only the right job prospects make it through to the interview stage, ensuring your valuable time is not wasted and you don’t hire from an emotional position.

This module includes a PDF document outlining:

  • A complete list of revealing questions to ask job applicants with an explanation as to why you need to ask them - before bringing them in for an interview.
  • Self-Evaluation Segment

Information Pages:19

Included resources in editable Word format are:

  1. 15 Minute Phone Interview Template
  2. Self-Evaluation Template
  3. Review and Summary Template

Templates: 3

Salon & Spa Profit Coach

Pam Stellema

As well as copywriting for this amazing industry (SalonSpaCopywriter), I’ve been a salon owner, business coach (SalonSavy), mentor and advisor to Australian and international salon & spa owners, as well as industry suppliers. Before that, I did a stint as Freddo Frog, spent time writing computer code, ran a roadhouse and worked in my mother’s dress shop! But getting back to the important stuff…I opened my first salon in Brisbane which was a huge success and then worked with my husband for a few years in his business learning how to be a profitable uber-boss. I then bounced back into the beauty industry with a second, hugely successful salon on the beautiful Gold Coast. Finally, I sold up my salon and have since mentored hundreds of salon owners, before adding industry-specific copywriting to my repertoire. During this time, I’ve written and published my book 3 1/2 Secrets to Salon Success, which is all about helping salon owners focus on the important, profit-generating aspects of their business. I’ve also written bucket-loads of business articles for industry magazines, in excess of 100 business blog articles, over 30 coaching modules for salon and spa owners and a few more e-books. Now, I'm creating online courses to help salon and spa owners just like you to help bypass the disasters and become a super-successful salonpreneur instead.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview Module

    • 1. 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview MODULE - DOWNLOADABLE BOOKLET

  • 2

    15 Minute Phone Pre-interview Resources Booklet

    • 2. 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview RESOURCES - DOWNLOADABLE BOOKLET

Other modules to help you grow your business

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    $27.00The 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview

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  • $27.00

    $27.00The 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview

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  • $27.00

    $27.00The 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview

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  • $27.00

    $27.00The 15 Minute Phone Pre-Interview

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